In the midst of your everyday workload, it’s incredibly easy for your desk to become a cluttered mess covered in sandwich crumbs, coffee rings and old scraps of paper. Sometimes we’re all guilty of ignoring the problem until it starts preventing us from working pleasantly and most importantly, productively.

So, whether you think your desk is a little chaotic or your manager can’t stand to look at the mess you’ve created anymore, appearances matter, and as a commercial cleaning company based in Alton we strongly believe that a clean desk positively influences your professional life.

Here’s our quick and easy 5-minute clean up routine, proven to keep your work space clean and crumb free!

We’re just scratching the surface

That’s right folks get rid of all your surface clutter. Grab your nearest recycling bin and anything that you no longer need either gets recycled or shredded! Anything that can’t be disposed of in either of these ways needs to be sorted into a handy folder or tray.

Junk in the trunk?

No, that’s not an inuendo! We’re talking all things junk! Time to bin that dead office plant, and rid your desk of all its accumulated junk, after all it just makes your work space look untidy and makes it a lot harder to clean.

All hands-on deck

Yup! It’s time for some elbow grease. Unplug your keyboard, move your mouse and give your desk a good old spritz with antibacterial cleaning spray and get scrubbing! You’ll be surprised at the number of germs your computer equipment gathers over time!

Everyone loves Henry

If your office doesn’t have a regular cleaning team then it’s time to give your carpet some much needed TLC. Get the hoover out and give your office a much-needed facelift.

La piece de resistance

It’s time for the finishing touches… spritz your computer monitors and polish it up using a microfibre cloth for that extra shiny result.

If your office workstations are looking a little drab and are in need of some TLC, then share our checklist with your employees or better off, give us a ring on 07841 096370 to arrange daily weekly, fortnightly or monthly commercial cleaning services for your office- or email us at for your FREE quote today!